Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A great feeling

For the first time in a long while, I didn't give up when things got hard. And my persistence paid off. I got past my block yet again and added a new design to my store. Even better, I sold my first shirt to someone I don't know. Not that I would ever complain about friends buying my stuff. It just felt like real validation that a total stranger bought one of my designs. I really need to figure out the best way to market designs and not just for my sake. For now, someone in Tennessee will be wearing my first anime inspired design. I did the happy dance. :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Not only is your new design one of the best ones ever, but now you're making sales to people who love your stuff and don't even know you. That's wonderful.

    I love the new design. It's sad that I'm too broke to buy a shirt from you. I sure would if I could.

    Anyway, it's fabulous that you're feeling persistent and creative. I'm proud for you.
