Wednesday, May 9, 2007


As usual, I've set a goal I can't meet. But this time I won't let it be the reason I give up. I planned to add at least one new design a week to my Cafe Press store. I now know that if I miss one week, it isn't the end of the world. Things will get in the way. Higher priorities will come up. And as is the case this time, a creative block will slow my progress. I'll work through it, not give up. Now off to play with Illustrator and hope it will get those creative juices flowing.


  1. It's much too soon to give up. Creative work seems to be like a tidal force--sometimes you get a lot done, and sometimes nothing at all, but the tide will come in again. Never lose hope.

    Besides, it's not like you have a due date, or that your work now is an assignment. You can work at your own pace, and do just what you want. Ah, the freedom of finally being out of design school! :)

  2. I definitely love the freedom working on my own schedule gives me. The only thing I miss about design school was all the time hanging out between and after classes. I wouldn't have gotten through it without all the support (and the yummy soup and tea).
