Thanks to special requests from co-workers and a slight obsession with the show "Supernatural", I've added not just one but 3 (well, 4 as of tomorrow) new designs. I have several other requests that haven't made it to my Photoshop yet. I've been struggling to come up with ideas that might actually sell and my co-workers are all trying their best to help. The first design shown here was really just for me. I am such a Dean fangirl. The second, one of the special requests, is a birthday gift for someone who's turning 30 and understands the "Logan's Run" reference.
Ok, with that bit of guilt out of my system, I can go work on my fan fiction some more. I always feel a bit guilty when I let my store go without regular updates. I think the new designs make up for some of the lost time. And after the fan fiction, I will get my website up so my designs can be found on Google. My monitor has become a minefield of Post-it notes to keep me focused and on track. And so I don't lose the great ideas from my co-workers. I am a Post-it kinda girl. :D