Thursday, April 2, 2009

Baby steps

Ok, the store is online. Well, sort of. I have pages up and some products listed. I haven't worked out the kinks in the PayPal buttons and cart. That should happen sometime during my vacation from the day job. The last couple of months there have been very draining, making work on all of my other endeavors next to impossible. I am taking 11 days off from retail and have big plans for all of them; most of it being personal stuff that has been piling up. After it is cleared up once and for all I can focus more energy on the important business stuff. All of the websites should see fresh new content over the eleven days; a whole new issue for DHQ, lots of info in the library on Luna's Gathering, and updates on farm business on Covenstead. I also hope to have a couple of new shirt designs. Then it is a matter of promotion. I have to get the word out to the right people.

On a more personal creative note, I finally finished three of my fan fiction stories, two of them for Supernatural and one InuYasha. The SPN story I've struggled with for over a year and a half, "Final Betrayal" at last has an ending. I also finished a funny one I started while stuck on Betrayal and posted the InuYasha story I wrote long before the SPN ones. I originally planned to adjust the ending. I decided I liked it the way it was and posted it. The posted ending was simple and understated, more suited to the characters as I've seen them in the show than flowery declarations of love I would've added.

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